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1. Meng-Chang Lin, Ming Gong, Bingan Lu, Yingpeng Wu, Di-Yan Wang, Mingyun Guan, Michael Angell,

    Changxin Chen, Jiang Yang, Bing-Joe Hwang, Hongjie Dai,

   “An ultrafast rechargeable aluminium-ion battery


2. Di-Yan Wang, Ming Gong, Hung-Lung Chou, Chun-Jern Pan, Hsin-An Chen, Yingpeng Wu, Meng-Chang Lin,

    Mingyun Guan, Jiang Yang, Chun-Wei Chen, Yuh-Lin Wang, Bing-Joe Hwang, Chia-Chun Chen, Hongjie Dai,

    “Highly active and stable hybrid catalyst of cobalt-doped FeS2 nanosheets–carbon nanotubes for

    hydrogen evolution reaction

    Journal of the American Chemical Society,2015/1/27,137,4

3. Andebet Gedamu Tamirat, Wei-Nien Su, Amare Aregahegn Dubale, Hung-Ming Chen, Bing-Joe Hwang,

   “Photoelectrochemical water splitting at low applied potential using a NiOOH coated codoped (Sn, Zr) α- 

    Fe2O3 photoanode

    Journal of Materials Chemistry A,2015,3,11

4. Ming Gong, Wu Zhou, Michael James Kenney, Rich Kapusta, Sam Cowley, Yingpeng Wu, Bingan Lu, Meng‐

    Chang Lin, Di‐Yan Wang, Jiang Yang, Bing‐Joe Hwang, Hongjie Dai,

  “Blending Cr2O3 into a NiO–Ni Electrocatalyst for Sustained Water Splitting

    Angewandte Chemie International Edition,2015/10/5,54,41

5. Yatim Lailun Ni'mah, Ming-Yao Cheng, Ju Hsiang Cheng, John Rick, Bing-Joe Hwang,

  “Solid-state polymer nanocomposite electrolyte of TiO2/PEO/NaClO4 for sodium ion batteries

    Journal of Power Sources,2015/3/15,278,375-381

6. Andebet Gedamu Tamirat, Wei-Nien Su, Amare Aregahegn Dubale, Chun-Jern Pan, Hung-Ming Chen, Delele

    Worku Ayele, Jyh-Fu Lee, Bing-Joe Hwang,

    “Efficient photoelectrochemical water splitting using three dimensional urchin-like hematite

    nanostructure modified with reduced graphene oxide

    Journal of Power Sources,2015/8/1,287,119-128

7. Belete Asefa Aragaw, Chun-Jern Pan, Wei-Nien Su, Hung-Ming Chen, John Rick, Bing-Joe Hwang,

   “Facile one-pot controlled synthesis of Sn and C codoped single crystal TiO2 nanowire arrays for highly

    efficient photoelectrochemical water splitting

    Applied Catalysis B: Environmental,2015/2/1,163,478-486

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